Customized X-ray systems X-Test

Customized X-ray systems X-Test

Vyplňte alternativní text X-ray systems X-Test designed and produced by Testima in Czech republic (EU), based on customers needs and requirements:

production of X-ray cabinets

- production of X-ray shielding for bunkers - doors,
  gates, etc.

- delivery of X-ray systems with Digital Radiography

- full range of X-ray accessories

- training, maintenance and service of X-ray systems

Shielding for bunkers, doors, gates, etc.

System X-Test offers complete X-ray solution: equipment, software, cabinets and also shielding for bunkers, customized Pb doors and gates, windows.

Special aplication X-ray cabinets

- first for tubes inspection or for other parts

When X-rays source up to 225kV is used
For one tube, if need be for more tubes
Cabinet can be mobile or fixed

Radiography of transversal welds - projection to ellipse

Tilting manipulator, either with the tube rotation or with a system rotation
Inspected tube passes through the cabinet or sideward inserting is also possible

Big radiographic cabinets

- especially for heavy casts or weldments up to dimension of 700 x 700 x 600mm

For X-rays sources up to 420kV
Inspected object can be put in the cabinet either manually or automatically
Door actuated by a motor

Small radiographic cabinets

- for non-destructive testing companies that perform radiography of smaller and lighter parts, e.g. length within 1m (1,5m)

For welding training centres
For laboratories, museums, schools
For non-destructive testing workplaces

For X-rays sources up to 300kV
Object inserted manually, door operated manually
X-ray source may be shifted (traversed) manually inside the cabinet
Possible use of either water or air - coolant of the X-ray tube

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  • Husova 353/6, 250 01 Brandýs nad Labem 
  • +420 311 249 523

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